After a week talking about the ProMat 2015 Convention, let’s get back to discussing certifications and what they do to help provide a quality environment for a third party logistics company to operate. The ProMat convention is a great way for providers to find innovative products and services so that we can stay on the leading edge of fulfillment and operational standards. As a provider grows, there are different hazards in the warehouse that must be addressed in one way or another.

Industry certifications and their tight standards help to keep products and employees safe during these times of growth and innovation. For example, if a new piece of equipment such as a conveyor system to increase the amount of cases that we can pick and pack per day is purchased, employees must be trained properly to use it in the most efficient way possible. General Industry certifications also make sure that the equipment is set up properly, and employees are using it in the safest way.
Some of our general industry certifications include:
ISO 9001:2008: Murphy holds ISO 9001, an industry certification for several of its logistics campuses. Administered through the International Organization for Standardization, the certification demonstrates the company’s quality management of customer and stakeholder needs. This certification has become the gold standard in tracking operational performance. Customer companies look for this designation when selecting vendor partners.
MnSHARP Program: An OSHA SHARP certification in Minnesota is called MnSHARP. OSHA consultation helps interested companies achieve MnSharp certification. OSHA consultation inspects warehouse practices and procedures as well as physical working conditions througha 58 question comprehensive qustionaire 9OSHA form 33). When all areas addressed in OSHA form 33 are deemed to be above average to acceptional, the company achieves MnSHARP certification. OSHA consultation schedules annual audits during the first couple of years, then bi-annually and finally every three years.
The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry recognizes companies that exceed federal OSHA safety standards through the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program. This program encourages small, high-hazard employers to implement and maintain exemplary safety and health management systems for their workplace and for employees. Murphy continues to meet all of the eligibility criteria and ongoing program requirements for MnSHARP.
GMP: Murphy’s comprehensive list of Good Manufacturing Practices are posted throughout the warehouse. These practices are listed at all of our facilities to remind our employees and visitors what it takes to keep them and the products in our warehouses safe. They are certified in our ASI (See our food certifications blog) audit.
Thanks for reading, be sure to check back next week to learn about our Sustainability Certifications. These certifications are a big part of what makes up the Murphy Difference, as they push us to grow our sustainability standards.