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Project Based Warehousing

It is well documented that companies using a 3PL for storage and distribution see increased efficiency, lower costs and mitigated risk. 3PL’s, however, do not always work on long term contracts. Sometimes project based work can fit in nicely with availability of space and the team members’ skillset.  

Although 3PL partnerships are generally long term, teams working on large scale projects can benefit greatly by partnering with a quality 3PL in the area. Full service logistics firms can store, handle and transport materials, tools and equipment. As experts in space usage a 3PL can maximize each square foot and store odd shaped materials and equipment efficiently. A 3PL that offers Just In Time shipping to their current customers make a great partner due to the practice with short lead times and urgent delivery times.  

Small Scale Projects

Store remodels and small scale renovations usually fit into a small scale project category where a small chunk of warehouse space is needed to consolidate and organize materials, equipment and tools. Our team handles inbound deliveries and organizes items so that they are easily accessible when they are needed at the job site.

Other small scale projects include transload jobs where the 3PL will receive, sort, and/or repack inventory in order to move a shipment to the end user, or labeling projects where products must be relabeled, resorted and repacked on their way to their final destination.

Large Scale Projects

New construction and large scale renovations take on many different faces through the process and can change frequently. Teams are trained on the specific needs of the individual customer so that they are ready and can have product ready in the event of a change to stay on schedule. Large amounts of warehouse space or even an entire warehouse may be used to store the materials, tools and equipment.  Many times a 3PL partner can coordinate inbounds as they generally have many imported items. Working with a partner knowledgeable in importing and exporting can greatly help the project’s smoothness and efficiency.

Over the next couple of weeks we will discuss project based warehousing and the benefits that it can have for efficiency, reliability, and safety of materials and tools.

Have a wonderful day!