Have you ever looked at enormous pieces of art placed atop a building or large machinery set into a tight space and wondered how it got there? Maybe you have been driving down the highway and noticed an infamous “Wide Load” trailer holding crate the size of your house and thought about how it would be moved.
That’s the work of a rigging and millwright team.
What is Rigging?
Rigging is a fascinating service that involves moving and erecting difficult projects, varying in dimension and/or weight. The use of specialized tools such as cranes, gantries, dollies or heavy haul trucks is required to handle this highly skilled and precision work. Rigging teams are hired by construction crews, contractors and even artists throughout the nation to tackle the toughest and most intricate jobs at their sites. The objects that rigging teams handle often cost millions of dollars, leading to extreme care and caution with every job.
See how Murphy Rigging handled an unprecidented job at the Minnesota State Capitol in this video.

More than just cranes
Millwright is the fine tuning and precision work that goes along with moving over-dimensional products. Welding, leveling and bracing are specialized jobs that millwright professionals finish to ensure that machinery is properly set up and displayed. Millwright tradesmen are extremely detailed when planning, measuring and methodically putting the finishing touches on jobs. If a measurement is off by even millimeters, structures can lean and shift due to their size and weight. Millwright teams also install complete systems of piping, wiring or ducts, running everything from HVAC equipment to large scoreboards and displays.

Heavy Hauling
Heavy hauling is a specialized service for transporting products that are generally too heavy to move over-the-road. The use of drop trailers with extra wheels and supports allow riggers to carefully transport products from point A to point B. The large products are generally transloaded from rail cars to trailers via crane or gantry systems. Once the product is to its destination, the job still isn’t finished. Removing and placing the equipment follows closely behind.

Dynamic storage
Storage is also a large part of many rigging jobs as facilities are being built or products are shipped in. This can be an interesting task, due to the unusually large and odd shaped items stored. While a 3PL will generally price out storage by the pallet or piece, Murphy Rigging’s team tackles difficult storage options by thoroughly measuring the pieces and pricing by the exact square footage used.
Whether jobs require 300 ton cranes towering over the State Capitol building or precision welding and bracing work, a rigging team can help with precision skill. Rigging and millwright teams with experienced, skilled tradesmen create custom and turn-key solutions for even the most difficult moves and projects ensuring that products are transported and installed safely and correctly. Although their work isn’t always glamorous or on the front page of the news, teams throughout the nation are proud to be called riggers.
Check out www.murphyrigging.com to learn more about Rigging and Millwright Professionals.
Have a wonderful day!